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Safe Sleep

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends the following practices for safe sleep practices for babies up to 1 year of age.

  • Baby sleeps on their back for all naps and at night. Sleeping on their back makes it more difficult for baby to roll to their stomach during sleep. If baby comfortably rolls both ways (back to tummy and tummy to back), they don’t need to be rolled back to their back if they roll while sleeping.

  • No pillows, blankets, stuffed toys, or bumper pads in baby’s bed that could potentially block their airflow if they do roll. 

  • Baby should sleep on a firm, flat surface. Crib mattresses should fit tightly in the crib with only a fitted crib sheet on it. Baby should be moved to a firm surface if they fall asleep in their car seat.

  • Bed sharing or co-sleeping is not recommended. Baby should sleep alone. Avoid falling asleep with baby on a couch or armchair or other related spots. 

  • Nothing in the crib with baby. No soft objects, loose bedding, weighted blankets, sleepers, swaddles, or other weighted objects near baby. If baby will get cold, dress in thin layers or use a wearable blanket.

  • Don’t let baby get overheated. Check for sweating, hot chest, or flushed skin. Don’t let baby wear a hat while indoors after coming home from the hospital.

Sleeping Tips

  • Baby will not have a regulated sleep cycle until about 6 months of age.

  • Use daytime for all play time

  • Keep baby calm and quiet during feeding or changing in the middle of the night

  • Wait a few minutes before responding to fussy baby in the middle of the night

  • Toddlers benefit from a bedtime routine and being comfortable in their bed

  • Co-sleeping can make it difficult for toddlers to fall asleep when they are alone

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