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Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a diagnosis that describes significant social, communicative, and behavioral challenges. People with autism handle information in their brains differently than their peers.

Autism affects each person in different ways, symptoms ranging from mild to severe. People with autism share some similar symptoms, such as problems with social interactions, difficulties with communication, and repetitive/stereotypical behavior.


Autism Spectrum Disorder is characterized by deficits in social communication and restricted/repetitive interests/behaviors. The manifestation of such symptomatology can vary depending on a child’s age and developmental level.


  • Delayed language acquisition

  • Difficulties with non-literal language or sarcasm

  • Odd use of language, such as repeating what others may say or repeating lengthy scripts from television or news programs

  • Poor eye contact

  • Limited use of gestures

  • Reduced interest in social interaction or play with others

  • Difficulties with social/emotional reciporcity


  • Excessive or odd interests

  • Repetitive motor mannerisms such as hand flapping, finger posturing, or body rocking

  • Sensory sensitivities (e.g., light, texture of foods or clothing, noise)

  • Repetitive play such as lining up toys, spinning objects, sorting or stacking objects

  • Intense interest in parts of objects

  • Difficulties transitioning from one activity to another

  • Difficulty with changes in routine

  • Rigid behaviors

  • Hypo or hypersensitivity to pain

  • Self-injury such as head banging

Evaluation   Goals   Testing   Growth

The Evaluation


An autism spectrum diagnostic evaluation consists of a comprehensive evaluation examining a child’s overall  functioning. This can include an evaluation of a child’s cognitive, academic, language, attentional, motor, behavioral, and social-emotional functioning. A child’s family provides information regarding the child’s overall functioning. The child will then participate in formal testing involving various assessment measures in order to provide clinical information regarding diagnostic clarification. Additionally,  the child’s parents will fill out report forms to provide in-depth information regarding the child’s social, emotional, behavioral, and attentional functioning in the home and classroom setting.

Following the evaluation, we will review the results and discuss treatment recommendations. The feedback meeting with parents will also serve as a framework for creating specific and practical interventions and accommodations within the home.

The therapist will conduct follow-up evaluations every six to 12 months (depending on concerns) in order to monitor progress from the various interventions, as well as help craft additional interventions and accommodations that would prove beneficial.

The Goals



The goals will be established after the evaluation has taken place.  They goals will consist of Activities of Daily Living (ADL's) which consist of Feeding, Sleeping, Communications, as well as Visual Motor, Fine Motor, and Social/Emotional Living. 

The Testing


The testing will consist of a 6 month evaluation and a 12 month evaluation to ensure all goals are being achieved.  Earlier testing may also occur if the child is exceeding all goals more quickly.  Testing processes consist of a variety of disciplines from handwriting, spelling, emotional/social feedback and much more.  The testing is then logged in the child's file for the determination of continued therapy or release from therapy if all goals have been met and the child is functioning at appropriate age and/or grade levels.

The Growth

Growth happens in many ways, depending on each child's unique needs.  But let us for example use emotional growth.  A child that shows emotional growth will be able to show affection for others. They will be able to express awareness of their own feelings and those of others. The child will be displaying self-control and management of emotions. The child will also be paying attention to and being observant of others.  This is the goal of The Hyche Center.

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