Physical Therapist can help with:
Range of Motion – how far a joint can bend or straighten
Strength – strength against gravity
Balance – ability to maintain balance (tilting and righting responses) and to keep oneself from falling (protective responses)
Reflexes – automatic responses seen particularly in infants (palmar grasp, positive support, asymmetrical tonic neck reflex [ATNR] and labyrinthine)
Posture – alignment of the body in various positions
Tone – natural resistance in a muscle (increased tone is stiffness and decreased tone is floppiness)
Specific Diagnosis that PTs treat include but not limited to:
Cerebral Palsy
Muscular Dystrophy
Down Syndrome
Autism Spectrum disorder
Rare genetic conditions
Bracial Plexius injury
Brain injury
How Do I Know If My Child Needs Physical Therapy?
They are not meeting the expected developmental milestones during the first year of life (ie. rolling, sitting, standing, walking).
They have a strong preference for turning their head to one side or using one side of their body.
They walk up on the balls of their feet or walk in an atypical/awkward manner.
They have difficulty keeping up with their peers during play.
They are not able to perform the same gross motor tasks (ie. hopping, jumping, skipping) as their peers.
They frequently trip and fall when walking.
They complain of pain when performing gross motor tasks.
They were injured and are not able to perform at their prior level of function.