Sensory Processing Deficits

Sensory processing is the ability to take in sensory information from the world around us and interpret this information effectively so that we may function optimally throughout the day. The brain not only processes information through the senses of touch, taste, smell, sight and sound, but the nervous system also interprets this sensory information and translates it into movement, body position and pressure.
Sensory processing deficits occur when the nervous system has difficulty regulating, processing, and interpreting information from one or more of the senses. This may affect one’s ability to function optimally in all environments, and these difficulties can adversely affect a child’s social skills, academic performance, and motor development.
It is important to understand that Sensory Processing Disorder is not a recognized medical diagnosis. Although most physicians recognize sensory processing Deficits, a diagnosis of Sensory Processing Disorder cannot be made.
There are three different types of sensory processing deficits; modulation, discrimination and sensory based motor deficits. Sensory modulation is the brain's ability to take in, process and respond to sensory information appropriately.Sensory discrimination is the ability to interpret and distinguish messages within sensory systems.Sensory based motor deficits are identified when a child has difficulty coordinating their movements due to sensory processing challenges.

Sensory Integration therapy is a specific treatment approach developed to improve the ability to process and integrate sensory inputs. Sensory integration is an active, child lead treatment method that requires skilled observation and advanced training.
The use of sensory tools such as chew toys, lights, textured toys and sensory bins IS NOT SENSORY INTEGRATION.Using sensory tools is a great strategy and good activity choice however, a true sensory integration approach involves active engagement in complex motor task.

How can I tell if my child has Sensory Processing Deficits?
When sensory information (that we take in from our environment) is not being efficiently organized and processed in our brains, what results is called sensory integration dysfunction. An underdeveloped nervous system causes inefficient processing of sensory information, an this can often be seen in children who were born prematurely, or have a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder or ADHD, among other reasons. Sensory integration dysfunction can be presented in a few different ways, and can be placed in three general categories:

What are the symptoms of Sensory Processing Deficits?
Different children perceive and process sensory information differently. Some children find loud noises scary, while others like to bang objects and search for interesting ways to create noise. Similarly, some children may only tolerate certain fabrics or textures for clothing, while others may enjoy rolling around in grass, sand, or on the carpet. All children and adults have different sensory preferences, and while most adults have learned to adapt to their specific needs, some children need guidance in processing sensory information to reach their full potential. Some symptoms of sensory processing disorder in children include: * Inability to focus on an activity if there’s background noise *Jumping from one activity to another, never fully being able to complete a task *Responding negatively to loud noises, or often covering ears *Seeking high movement activities, but often appearing clumsy *Showing a strong preference for certain foods or smells Irritation from shoes, socks, tags, or different textures *Difficulties learning new activities *Under or over-sensitivity to touch, movement, sights, or sounds *Tendency to be easily distracted *Social and/or emotional problems *Unusually high or low activity level *Poor coordination *Physical clumsiness or apparent carelessness *Poor fine motor coordination *Impulsivity, lack of self-control *Difficulty in making transitions *Inability to unwind or calm self *Emotionally reactive *Poor self concept *Delays in speech, language, motor skills *Delays in daily skill performance (dressing, feeding) *Delays in academic achievement

How can I help treat my child's Sensory Processing Deficits?
With effective treatment provided by an occupational therapist, a child’s nervous system can develop the ability to process sensory information in an appropriate manner. A child with poor sensory integration skills may need to learn specific compensatory strategies to function optimally and integrate sensory input in an efficient manner.

How The Hyche Center addresses Sensory Processing Deficits?
At The Hyche Center, we tailor our therapy to meet the needs of each individual child. Our therapists are specially trained to provide your child with vital sensory input and experiences needed to meet the needs of his or her nervous system. Children with sensory processing disorder require individualized treatment plans adapted to motivate and empower them to reach their full potential, with the proper balance of arousal, calming and organizing activities.